The Gorge at Sunset

Aug 10 2012

The Gorge at Sunset


The call of the night owl echos through the gorge

as it has for countless generations.

The  sun pierces horizon clouds

and highlights  serrated ridges

carved from the canyon since time began.


As the sun fades

the massing cumulus to the east turn blue and grey .

The blue black  river glides  ever darker

and rocks, still hot to touch, lose their glow.


The inherent  romance of sunset

lacquered with history and time.

This is  sacred Jawoyn land ,

Resonant with mystery and beauty.

Individual trees acrest the ridges

stand  sentinel  to a bygone age.


The land of the rainbow serpent

laid out for miles before our eyes,

empty as far as the eye can see,

yet crammed with timeless memories

which here, in The Gorge , at sunset,

seem profoundly at peace.







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